In this case, though, the Dead Space Remake follows in the original’s shoes, meaning there are no multiplayer or co-op features. While Dead Space 2 featured a multiplayer mode and Dead Space 3 had co-op, the 2008 version was a single-player experience. If you’re familiar with the original Dead Space, you may know that the older version didn’t have co-op. Published FebruComments ( 4) Gif: EA / Kotaku I’m walking around the dark, creepy corridors of the large spaceship Ishimura in Dead Space.

Is There Multiplayer Co-op in the Dead Space Remake? This begs an important question, though: Will you be able to do this in co-op this time around? If you’re interested in learning more, continue reading to discover whether there are any co-op or multiplayer modes in the Dead Space Remake. Youll find the locations for every collectible, the changes made in the Dead Space remake, a complete walkthrough. Whether you played the original or one of the later games, this newest version allows you to experience the world once again in the eyes of Isaac Clarke as you explore the Ishimura and fight Necromorphs. This wiki guide for Dead Space covers both the 2008 original and the 2023 remake. As a survival horror game near-and-dear to many, it’s no surprise that the Dead Space Remake, releasing at the end of January 2023, sparks feelings of nostalgia.